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Wisconsin Safety Speakers
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Wyoming Safety Speakers
Pick a city nearest to your locationHere is a sample of the experience and talent our professionals offer
PRICES:Speakers range from the lowest rates of 300-600 (very few of them) to mid-range 1000-2000 and upper range 2500 and up to 25000
We have a database of thousands of professional speakers and can find the one that matches your event easily and quickly.
The Yaz Band Florida Safety Speakers. Collectively the band has over 75 years of experience in playing many genres of music live, in recording, and instruction.
As a performimg artist, master speaker, talent developer and career planner I have entertained, educated and motivated thousands of people in numerous industries and walks of life. Many references and testimonials available. Call Joe Yazbeck 727 489 (call for phone#) # 8880
Chris Wilson International California Safety Speakers. Chris Wilson has been presenting Customized Hypnosis, Magic, and Speaking programs his enitire life. For more information visit,
Chris Wilson International provides CLEAN Corporate Speakers and Entertainers World Wide. # 9955
Potter and Associates Intl, Inc. Oklahoma Safety Speakers. Carl knows safety! After working in the electric utility industry for over 17 years, he started Potter and Associates International in 1993. Through his presentations and consulting, he now spends his time bringing his frontline, hands-on experience of personal responsibility and safety to companies all over the country. Carl is a certified safety professional, certified management consultant, and certified speaking professional.
Carl Potter is a Safety Speaker who motivates employees at all levels to take responsibility for safety. He is the author of the best selling book Who Is Responsible for Safety? Motivation that is Entertaining and Highly Informative # 50704
PRICES:Speakers range from the lowest rates of 300-600 (very few of them) to mid-range 1000-2000 and upper range 2500 and up to 25000
We have a database of thousands of professional speakers and can find the one that matches your event easily and quickly.
The Yaz Band Florida Safety Speakers. Collectively the band has over 75 years of experience in playing many genres of music live, in recording, and instruction.
As a performimg artist, master speaker, talent developer and career planner I have entertained, educated and motivated thousands of people in numerous industries and walks of life. Many references and testimonials available. Call Joe Yazbeck 727 489 (call for phone#) # 8880
Chris Wilson International California Safety Speakers. Chris Wilson has been presenting Customized Hypnosis, Magic, and Speaking programs his enitire life. For more information visit,
Chris Wilson International provides CLEAN Corporate Speakers and Entertainers World Wide. # 9955
Potter and Associates Intl, Inc. Oklahoma Safety Speakers. Carl knows safety! After working in the electric utility industry for over 17 years, he started Potter and Associates International in 1993. Through his presentations and consulting, he now spends his time bringing his frontline, hands-on experience of personal responsibility and safety to companies all over the country. Carl is a certified safety professional, certified management consultant, and certified speaking professional.
Carl Potter is a Safety Speaker who motivates employees at all levels to take responsibility for safety. He is the author of the best selling book Who Is Responsible for Safety? Motivation that is Entertaining and Highly Informative # 50704
With thousands of speakers and hundreds of important topics, we have the motivational or keynote speaker you need for your corporate event, convention or public event. When hiring a professional speaker, always check references and preview a video of their performance before hiring them. We feature hundreds of speaker topics with over 2000 speakers on file to pick from for your event.