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Pick a city nearest to your locationHere is a sample of the experience and talent our professionals offer
PRICES:Speakers range from the lowest rates of 300-600 (very few of them) to mid-range 1000-2000 and upper range 2500 and up to 25000
We have a database of thousands of professional speakers and can find the one that matches your event easily and quickly.
Lange Productions Illinois Education Speakers. Lange Productions has been providing quality entertainment throughout the U.S. since 1973. Specializing in audience participation entertainment, and artists and attractions for clients who are looking for that special something different and unique.
Comedy Hypnosis Show, Mind Games Mentalist Show, Handwriting Analysis, The Ultimate Challenge Game Show, Master of Ceremonies, Memory Show & Presentations, & Motivational Speaker as featured on The Oprah Winfrey Show, Good Morning America, MTV, ABC, CBS & Fox T.V. Robinn Lange is an entertainer and professional speaker specializing in interactive, audience participation presentations. His Mindpower series of presentations & performances is excellent for events & groups of all sizes & ages. # 2938
CD Communication Oklahoma Education Speakers. I have been speaking professionally for 15 years, have written three books, have hosted a radio show, and have spoken across the USA, in Canada and on cruise ships to Europe & South America.
People laugh, cry, and understand Carol Dean Schreiner knows her topics about real life. She puts laughter in the hearts and knowledge in the minds of the attendees. A dynamic speaker. She is real, funny, entertaining, motivating and inspirational. # 5057
Abby Shields Louisiana Education Speakers. I have been speaking for 10 years.I have done programs for the social security department of Belize to national womens organizations. For a list of partial clients feel free to e-mail me
It makes sense to begin with the end result in mind when planning an event.If the outcome you want is guaranteed success,you will want Abby Shields as your speaker or trainer. She combines comedy with content, wit with wisdom,and down to earth ideas. # 2534
Papa Joe Summy Texas Education Speakers. I have done public speaking for 30 years in my profession as an educator,church/community events.
Papa Joe: The Doctor of Common Sense. Joseph G. Summy, Ed.D. A speaker for all events. Motivational and Inspirational. Humor. Keynote: I AM I can be tailored for any group or event. Taken from the first song of that wonderful Broadway musical, The Man from LaManche. Concerns the power of the individual, small group, organization, business etc. to achieve great goals or to over great obstacles or handicaps. Fee:0 min. negt. plus expenses. # 5904
Make It Plain Productions Ohio Education Speakers. In 1996, Make It Plain Productions was founded in Nashville, Tennessee by Tommie Lewis,Jr. A former Engineer and Educator, Tommie began sharing his research and thoughts of employee empowerment to University's and Corporations in Tennessee, Kentucky, and Ohio. He is a motivational speaker as well as a facilitator for workshops ranging from Conflict Resolutions to Stress Management. He has been contracted by numerous institutions and organizations to facilitate his workshop entitled: Building Successful Business and Personal Relationships: Mastering the Art of Communication. His workshop, Maximizing the Potential of Your Employees to Increase the Bottom Line, has also experienced phenomenal success. Currently, Tommie serves as the Manager for INROADS/Greater Cincinnati-Dayton, Inc. He is responsible for training and developing INROADS Interns and full-time employees who are pursuing careers in Engineering, Business, Marketing, Finance, Accounting, Computer Sciences and Liberal Arts. Tommie specializes in workshops pertaining to career management, organizational development, educational nutrition and personal accountability.
Make It Plain Productions is a dynamic company designed to educate, motivate and actively participate in the success of corporate and community organizations. Make It Plain speakers have entertained and educated audiences, leaving them inspired to become # 7704
BJ Hickman Magic Shows and Speaking Services New Hampshire Education Speakers. Magician BJ Hickman has entertained full time for over 10 years and performs regularly at Hollywood's Magic Castle.
Professional magician and speaker BJ Hickman entertains and educates throughout New England and the United States. His comedy audience participation magic shows keep getting him invited back. He speakes to adults who want to communicate better with childr # 7706
The Yaz Band Florida Education Speakers. Collectively the band has over 75 years of experience in playing many genres of music live, in recording, and instruction.
As a performimg artist, master speaker, talent developer and career planner I have entertained, educated and motivated thousands of people in numerous industries and walks of life. Many references and testimonials available. Call Joe Yazbeck 727 489 (call for phone#) # 8880
Nashville Speakers Bureau Tennessee Education Speakers. In 1988, with less than a handful of speakers, Ron Miller began building a speakers bureau. Now, fifteen years later, Ron along with Nashville Speakers Bureau founder, Tim Grable, own and manage one of the most progressive and innovative speakers bureaus in the world!
We are proud to represent many of today's most popular speakers and entertainers. Authors and teachers, comics and artists, illusionists and storytellers. Speakers and comedians who can keep them rolling in the aisles, or breathless on the edge of their # 9803
Chris Wilson International California Education Speakers. Chris Wilson has been presenting Customized Hypnosis, Magic, and Speaking programs his enitire life. For more information visit,
Chris Wilson International provides CLEAN Corporate Speakers and Entertainers World Wide. # 9955
Dr. Sue New York Education Speakers. Dr. Sue has been offering her unique programs for over 10 years. Besides speaking for audiences all over the world Dr. Sue is a singer comedienne actress and award winning author of books films plays and poetry.
Susan Horowitz PhD is a dynamic, funny Speaker,award-winning Author of Queens of Comedy, based on interviews with celebrity comediennes, plus books of poetry, as well as singer, songwriter, and comedian. You may walk in confused, even feeling abused, you # 10201
Dr. Sue New York Education Speakers. 'NEW YORK UPBEATS' (Sue Horowitz-Singer, Laura Paulman-Pianist)have been delighting audiences for over 4 years. References, CD, and Video of live show available.
DR. SUE, Susan Horowitz, Ph.D., is a MOTIVATIONAL SPEAKER, COMMUNICATION TRAINER, UN ADVISOR IN EDUCATION, PROFESSOR, AUTHOR of QUEENS OF COMEDY. KEYNOTES Journey to Success, Celebrate Learning Diversity, Queens of Comedy, Humor, Health and Stress, Genius of Jewish Comedy, COMMUNICATION TRAININGS Conflict Management and Motivation. She enjoys the opportunity to speak to audiences of educators and colleges. Her programs are motivational, informative, and uplifting. # 10200
Magic Beyond Imagination! New York Education Speakers. Over 15 yrs of unforgettable events. 2 trm. Pres. IBM Ring 317, graduate of Mystery School
Educational Assemblies which strongly promote reading, character education, learning, etc. Life changing speaker presentations, age appropriate for elem. middle, high scl or college. Programs include, Discover the Magic of Reading, Take PRIDE In yourself, Accelerated Learning in the Classroom, teacher/staff development workshop, Miracles of the Mind for high school and colleges, and Magic Beyond Imagination, an easy family fundraiser based on ticket sale split. Your school will thank you. # 9698
MATTRIXX Persuasive Presentations New Mexico Education Speakers. Matts presentation style is filled with humor and why not? He was a professional comedian and entertainer for over 9 years before moving into the world of leadership communications development, persuasive presentations, sales 'Story-SELLING', and executive-level networking.
The Ideal Speaker for Your Next Professional Event Give Me 45-90 Minutes and I'll Show Your Audience How to Go From Invisible to Unforgettable Based out of spectacular Santa Fe and Albuquerque, New Mexico, Matt Rix specializes in the Science of Influence and the Art of Persuasive Presentations. # 27738
SaidWrite Michigan Education Speakers. I direct Wayne State University's Journalism Institute for Media Diversity, am an Emmy Award winning broadcast writer/journalist, fundraiser, non-practicing attorney and freelance writer. I am able to crystallize the message and deliver it with passion and power. I've spoken before the AARP, regional teen conventions, city-wide and Wayne State University sponsored events for women and students. I enjoy relating to the audience to ensure a valuable take-away for the time and resources invested.
I'm sought out for talk-radio hosting and guest shots - as well as print quotes - because I am focused and clear. Speakers rarely tell you what you do not know, but good speakers make the distinctions that lock empowering information into your conscious so you'll access it to excel! # 27832
Speakers With Spark Kentucky Education Speakers. Speaiers with Spark launched last year but Susan Rider, founder has been an international speaker for twenty plus years.
Speakers With spark are individuals that will ignite the audience in your meetings, expert high energy and inspirational speakers. These speakers will make any event a success and the planner a hero. # 32189
Rusty May - SchoolToolsTv California Education Speakers. I created SchooltToolsTv in 2002 and have been building the idea and the presentation business ever since.
I provide daily 1 minute social skills video directly to teachers and no one else is doing this. I have over 10,000 dedicated students who watch my show and the numbers are growing. I've created a way to bring a much needed resource to the classroom in a time-friendly, economical fashion. I'm not just a speaker; I'm a passionate professional who provides additional resources to allow the message of my presentations to continue long after I'm gone. # 33575
Karen Miller, Inc. California Education Speakers. Karen Miller has been a professional speaker, since age 10, when she was hired to sell an organ in the South Bay Malls of California. Ever since her first gig, she knew that speaking was a great fit for her. She has been in the legal field since 1984, and owns her own family law firm. She has a Real Estate Broker's license, and has delivered many speeches not only on law and real estate matters, but also on various business related topics. Karen Miller also has a Masters of Speech degree, from Cal State Long Beach, in which she received her degree with Summa Cum Laude honors. She has also taught many classes on speech communication, leadership, small group discussion, and interpersonal communication at the University and College levels. If you want a dynamic and energetic speaker that will please your audience, call Karen today to discuss your speaking engagement needs.
Motivational speaker, Karen Miller, who is a family law attorney, educator, business entrepreneur, real estate broker and single mother is the speaker for your event. She has been in the legal field since 1984 and has a Masters of Speech degree in Speech # 8684
Dream-Maker Inc. Florida Education Speakers. A worldwide speaker for over 15 years, Paul has appeared on numerous international broadcasts from Investors Business Daily, Oprah and Friends to Fox News to talk about success, leadership, relational intricacies, conflict resolution, life balance, and living your dreams. By reason of his global travels, Paul is a highly sought after diversity and multicultural awareness speaker. Playboy Radio Afternoon Advice host Tiffany Granath calls Paul an awesome relational coach and recommends h...
Paul F Davis is a worldwide speaker who has touched over 60 countries and 6 continents building bridges cross culturally and empowering people throughout the earth to live their dreams. Paul is the author of 18 life changing books. Paul's incredible depth and rich writings make him a notable and unforgettable speaker able to connect with and inspire any audience to achieve greatness. # 14592
Steven Brown Florida Education Speakers. He is a 16-year Veteran of the US Navy and has traveled extensively during his time in the Navy and as a civilian (24 countries so far). Steven has been cast in more than 52 roles as an actor in film, TV, theater, commercials, Internet videos and web series. He has recorded 66 songs on six albums since 2000, ranging from Gospel, Jazz, Blues, Country, Rock, Pop and Folk styles.
Steven Brown is a singer, songwriter, guitarist, actor, voice-over artist, speaker, teacher, comedian, author and IT professional. # 53113
PRICES:Speakers range from the lowest rates of 300-600 (very few of them) to mid-range 1000-2000 and upper range 2500 and up to 25000
We have a database of thousands of professional speakers and can find the one that matches your event easily and quickly.
Lange Productions Illinois Education Speakers. Lange Productions has been providing quality entertainment throughout the U.S. since 1973. Specializing in audience participation entertainment, and artists and attractions for clients who are looking for that special something different and unique.
Comedy Hypnosis Show, Mind Games Mentalist Show, Handwriting Analysis, The Ultimate Challenge Game Show, Master of Ceremonies, Memory Show & Presentations, & Motivational Speaker as featured on The Oprah Winfrey Show, Good Morning America, MTV, ABC, CBS & Fox T.V. Robinn Lange is an entertainer and professional speaker specializing in interactive, audience participation presentations. His Mindpower series of presentations & performances is excellent for events & groups of all sizes & ages. # 2938
CD Communication Oklahoma Education Speakers. I have been speaking professionally for 15 years, have written three books, have hosted a radio show, and have spoken across the USA, in Canada and on cruise ships to Europe & South America.
People laugh, cry, and understand Carol Dean Schreiner knows her topics about real life. She puts laughter in the hearts and knowledge in the minds of the attendees. A dynamic speaker. She is real, funny, entertaining, motivating and inspirational. # 5057
Abby Shields Louisiana Education Speakers. I have been speaking for 10 years.I have done programs for the social security department of Belize to national womens organizations. For a list of partial clients feel free to e-mail me
It makes sense to begin with the end result in mind when planning an event.If the outcome you want is guaranteed success,you will want Abby Shields as your speaker or trainer. She combines comedy with content, wit with wisdom,and down to earth ideas. # 2534
Papa Joe Summy Texas Education Speakers. I have done public speaking for 30 years in my profession as an educator,church/community events.
Papa Joe: The Doctor of Common Sense. Joseph G. Summy, Ed.D. A speaker for all events. Motivational and Inspirational. Humor. Keynote: I AM I can be tailored for any group or event. Taken from the first song of that wonderful Broadway musical, The Man from LaManche. Concerns the power of the individual, small group, organization, business etc. to achieve great goals or to over great obstacles or handicaps. Fee:0 min. negt. plus expenses. # 5904
Make It Plain Productions Ohio Education Speakers. In 1996, Make It Plain Productions was founded in Nashville, Tennessee by Tommie Lewis,Jr. A former Engineer and Educator, Tommie began sharing his research and thoughts of employee empowerment to University's and Corporations in Tennessee, Kentucky, and Ohio. He is a motivational speaker as well as a facilitator for workshops ranging from Conflict Resolutions to Stress Management. He has been contracted by numerous institutions and organizations to facilitate his workshop entitled: Building Successful Business and Personal Relationships: Mastering the Art of Communication. His workshop, Maximizing the Potential of Your Employees to Increase the Bottom Line, has also experienced phenomenal success. Currently, Tommie serves as the Manager for INROADS/Greater Cincinnati-Dayton, Inc. He is responsible for training and developing INROADS Interns and full-time employees who are pursuing careers in Engineering, Business, Marketing, Finance, Accounting, Computer Sciences and Liberal Arts. Tommie specializes in workshops pertaining to career management, organizational development, educational nutrition and personal accountability.
Make It Plain Productions is a dynamic company designed to educate, motivate and actively participate in the success of corporate and community organizations. Make It Plain speakers have entertained and educated audiences, leaving them inspired to become # 7704
BJ Hickman Magic Shows and Speaking Services New Hampshire Education Speakers. Magician BJ Hickman has entertained full time for over 10 years and performs regularly at Hollywood's Magic Castle.
Professional magician and speaker BJ Hickman entertains and educates throughout New England and the United States. His comedy audience participation magic shows keep getting him invited back. He speakes to adults who want to communicate better with childr # 7706
The Yaz Band Florida Education Speakers. Collectively the band has over 75 years of experience in playing many genres of music live, in recording, and instruction.
As a performimg artist, master speaker, talent developer and career planner I have entertained, educated and motivated thousands of people in numerous industries and walks of life. Many references and testimonials available. Call Joe Yazbeck 727 489 (call for phone#) # 8880
Nashville Speakers Bureau Tennessee Education Speakers. In 1988, with less than a handful of speakers, Ron Miller began building a speakers bureau. Now, fifteen years later, Ron along with Nashville Speakers Bureau founder, Tim Grable, own and manage one of the most progressive and innovative speakers bureaus in the world!
We are proud to represent many of today's most popular speakers and entertainers. Authors and teachers, comics and artists, illusionists and storytellers. Speakers and comedians who can keep them rolling in the aisles, or breathless on the edge of their # 9803
Chris Wilson International California Education Speakers. Chris Wilson has been presenting Customized Hypnosis, Magic, and Speaking programs his enitire life. For more information visit,
Chris Wilson International provides CLEAN Corporate Speakers and Entertainers World Wide. # 9955
Dr. Sue New York Education Speakers. Dr. Sue has been offering her unique programs for over 10 years. Besides speaking for audiences all over the world Dr. Sue is a singer comedienne actress and award winning author of books films plays and poetry.
Susan Horowitz PhD is a dynamic, funny Speaker,award-winning Author of Queens of Comedy, based on interviews with celebrity comediennes, plus books of poetry, as well as singer, songwriter, and comedian. You may walk in confused, even feeling abused, you # 10201
Dr. Sue New York Education Speakers. 'NEW YORK UPBEATS' (Sue Horowitz-Singer, Laura Paulman-Pianist)have been delighting audiences for over 4 years. References, CD, and Video of live show available.
DR. SUE, Susan Horowitz, Ph.D., is a MOTIVATIONAL SPEAKER, COMMUNICATION TRAINER, UN ADVISOR IN EDUCATION, PROFESSOR, AUTHOR of QUEENS OF COMEDY. KEYNOTES Journey to Success, Celebrate Learning Diversity, Queens of Comedy, Humor, Health and Stress, Genius of Jewish Comedy, COMMUNICATION TRAININGS Conflict Management and Motivation. She enjoys the opportunity to speak to audiences of educators and colleges. Her programs are motivational, informative, and uplifting. # 10200
Magic Beyond Imagination! New York Education Speakers. Over 15 yrs of unforgettable events. 2 trm. Pres. IBM Ring 317, graduate of Mystery School
Educational Assemblies which strongly promote reading, character education, learning, etc. Life changing speaker presentations, age appropriate for elem. middle, high scl or college. Programs include, Discover the Magic of Reading, Take PRIDE In yourself, Accelerated Learning in the Classroom, teacher/staff development workshop, Miracles of the Mind for high school and colleges, and Magic Beyond Imagination, an easy family fundraiser based on ticket sale split. Your school will thank you. # 9698
MATTRIXX Persuasive Presentations New Mexico Education Speakers. Matts presentation style is filled with humor and why not? He was a professional comedian and entertainer for over 9 years before moving into the world of leadership communications development, persuasive presentations, sales 'Story-SELLING', and executive-level networking.
The Ideal Speaker for Your Next Professional Event Give Me 45-90 Minutes and I'll Show Your Audience How to Go From Invisible to Unforgettable Based out of spectacular Santa Fe and Albuquerque, New Mexico, Matt Rix specializes in the Science of Influence and the Art of Persuasive Presentations. # 27738
SaidWrite Michigan Education Speakers. I direct Wayne State University's Journalism Institute for Media Diversity, am an Emmy Award winning broadcast writer/journalist, fundraiser, non-practicing attorney and freelance writer. I am able to crystallize the message and deliver it with passion and power. I've spoken before the AARP, regional teen conventions, city-wide and Wayne State University sponsored events for women and students. I enjoy relating to the audience to ensure a valuable take-away for the time and resources invested.
I'm sought out for talk-radio hosting and guest shots - as well as print quotes - because I am focused and clear. Speakers rarely tell you what you do not know, but good speakers make the distinctions that lock empowering information into your conscious so you'll access it to excel! # 27832
Speakers With Spark Kentucky Education Speakers. Speaiers with Spark launched last year but Susan Rider, founder has been an international speaker for twenty plus years.
Speakers With spark are individuals that will ignite the audience in your meetings, expert high energy and inspirational speakers. These speakers will make any event a success and the planner a hero. # 32189
Rusty May - SchoolToolsTv California Education Speakers. I created SchooltToolsTv in 2002 and have been building the idea and the presentation business ever since.
I provide daily 1 minute social skills video directly to teachers and no one else is doing this. I have over 10,000 dedicated students who watch my show and the numbers are growing. I've created a way to bring a much needed resource to the classroom in a time-friendly, economical fashion. I'm not just a speaker; I'm a passionate professional who provides additional resources to allow the message of my presentations to continue long after I'm gone. # 33575
Karen Miller, Inc. California Education Speakers. Karen Miller has been a professional speaker, since age 10, when she was hired to sell an organ in the South Bay Malls of California. Ever since her first gig, she knew that speaking was a great fit for her. She has been in the legal field since 1984, and owns her own family law firm. She has a Real Estate Broker's license, and has delivered many speeches not only on law and real estate matters, but also on various business related topics. Karen Miller also has a Masters of Speech degree, from Cal State Long Beach, in which she received her degree with Summa Cum Laude honors. She has also taught many classes on speech communication, leadership, small group discussion, and interpersonal communication at the University and College levels. If you want a dynamic and energetic speaker that will please your audience, call Karen today to discuss your speaking engagement needs.
Motivational speaker, Karen Miller, who is a family law attorney, educator, business entrepreneur, real estate broker and single mother is the speaker for your event. She has been in the legal field since 1984 and has a Masters of Speech degree in Speech # 8684
Dream-Maker Inc. Florida Education Speakers. A worldwide speaker for over 15 years, Paul has appeared on numerous international broadcasts from Investors Business Daily, Oprah and Friends to Fox News to talk about success, leadership, relational intricacies, conflict resolution, life balance, and living your dreams. By reason of his global travels, Paul is a highly sought after diversity and multicultural awareness speaker. Playboy Radio Afternoon Advice host Tiffany Granath calls Paul an awesome relational coach and recommends h...
Paul F Davis is a worldwide speaker who has touched over 60 countries and 6 continents building bridges cross culturally and empowering people throughout the earth to live their dreams. Paul is the author of 18 life changing books. Paul's incredible depth and rich writings make him a notable and unforgettable speaker able to connect with and inspire any audience to achieve greatness. # 14592
Steven Brown Florida Education Speakers. He is a 16-year Veteran of the US Navy and has traveled extensively during his time in the Navy and as a civilian (24 countries so far). Steven has been cast in more than 52 roles as an actor in film, TV, theater, commercials, Internet videos and web series. He has recorded 66 songs on six albums since 2000, ranging from Gospel, Jazz, Blues, Country, Rock, Pop and Folk styles.
Steven Brown is a singer, songwriter, guitarist, actor, voice-over artist, speaker, teacher, comedian, author and IT professional. # 53113
With thousands of speakers and hundreds of important topics, we have the motivational or keynote speaker you need for your corporate event, convention or public event. When hiring a professional speaker, always check references and preview a video of their performance before hiring them. We feature hundreds of speaker topics with over 2000 speakers on file to pick from for your event.